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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.



U8 Boys play 7 v 7
U8 Girls 
play 7 v 7
U10 Boys 
play 7 v 7
U10 Girls play 7 v 7
U12 Boys and Girls play 9 v 9
U14 and older play 11 v 11
Training Classes
Coaches may take clinics and classes in our regions or through a neighboring region or the Area. Please note that some of these events might have a fee. Check with the coach administer to find out if Region will reimburse you. Note that events are not offered year round. Typically they are available at the beginning of the year.

Required Coach Training FAQ

Coach Log In Update team info and contact information plus team roster. Let's you print out game cards.   Instructions.

Incident (Injury/Property Damage) Report Use this form to report any serious injury to player, coach or spectator, property damage or any other serious incident will give you an opportunity to capture facts and contact information before witnesses leave the field . Remember, you must keep all incident reports on file and mail a copy to the NSTC, ATTN: Risk Management, 19750 S. Vermont Ave., Suite 200 Torrance , CA 90502. Incident Reports should be completed by any Region staff witnessing any serious incident involving, but not limited to: Injuries Threats of bodily harm Fighting whether or not a serious injury occurs Property damage Hospitalization of a participate Law enforcement summoned Service or notification of pending lawsuit

Team-Referee Incentive Program represent your team as a referee and the region will help pay for the end of year, team party.

Safe Haven Clinics this is a requirement that ALL volunteers who work with youth, must fulfill BEFORE they are permitted to volunteer their services. You may take the safe haven clinic on line. To find out more: Click Here

Concussion Danger Signs

Safety Director Message:

The new soccer season is upon us and I know all the kids as well as the coaches and parents are excited for the season to begin. Please observe the safety tips below to ensure a more enjoyable and safe soccer season.

  • Check all equipment to ensure it is in good condition.
  • Shin guards must always be worn.
  • Ensure all goal posts are securely anchored and never climb on a goal post or net.
  • Eat right; proper nutrition is essential.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
  • Make warming up and cooling down part of your practice routine. Stretching can reduce injuries.
  • Don't play if you are hurt. If you get injured, sit out the next game. You may aggravate the injury if you play.
  • Know the rules of the game.
  • Remove all jewelry and piercings when at practice or in a game.
  • Always throw out your trash; unkept fields can be dangerous.
  • Show respect to all players, coaches and officials.
  • Volunteer Forms: Another year and another Volunteer Form. You must complete the volunteer form BEFORE you undertake any volunteer duties. Don't wait until the last minute.
  • On-line training for U8 and U10 is available at AYSO Training  You will need your AYSO ID number to take the on-line clinic. To obtain please send an email to
  • Parent Positions & Responsibilities (for example what does a team mom do?)

Coach Notes

Please remember to put your coaches, team players and spectators on the proper side of the field. Home team is on the North/West side and visitors are on the South/East side.

Beads in the hair. Beads are like any other hard object in the hair and they are not permitted, even if buried in the hair. They represent a hazard to that player (imagine a hard driven ball hitting a bead) and a danger to other players (the bead is on a strand of hair and the strand of hair can whip around to hurt another player's face). Players may not practice or play with the beads in the hair.

Taped ears. Putting a piece of tape over newly pierced ears is not acceptable. The studs must be removed during practice and games. Coaches, please help enforce this. You don't want to try to explain to an upset parent why their child has to have stitches to repair an studded ear injured when a hard driven ball smacked it.  Players may not practice or play with the earrings or studs in the ears.

Slide tackles are legal, even in U8. A slide tackle must be carried out in a carefully prescribed manner. The defender must play the ball only, not the other player. The defender must contact the ball before any contact is made with the other player. The defender must not put himself or the other player in any significant danger by his actions. A defender may execute a slide tackle correctly, cleanly stop the ball, the other player may fall over the ball, and no foul has occurred -- PROVIDED that, in the opinion of the referee, the defender did not endanger himself or the other player.

UPPER DIVISION Rules and Coach information
Can be found on the area website

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO West Torrance

4733 Torrance Blvd., Box #174
Torrance, California 90503

Email Us:
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